Rebecca Wilson: No one can say goodbye to a teacher like you, because you’ll forever be in our hearts. Happy retirement!
about 4 years ago, Jeff Foertsch
Rebecca Wilson 11-20-2020
Retirement Card for Rebecca Wilson
Well Wishers for Rebecca Wilson
Congratulations! Ariana Quiroz, Tiger Ticket winner:) Ariana is recieving a Tiger T Shirt as reward. Great Work Ariana!
about 4 years ago, Jeff Foertsch
T Shirt as Tiger Ticket Reward
Congratulations! Edith Quiroz, Tiger Ticket winner:) Edith will be receiving a Tiger Ball Cap as a Reward. Keep up the good work Edith!
about 4 years ago, Jeff Foertsch
Tiger Reward Hats
There will be a second delivery of student materials to Thanya's office at Vista today, Friday, November 20, at about 1:30. Teachers should be notifying students if they will be sending materials. The materials can be picked up before about 5pm daily. Please contact your teachers if you need something. Kids in town, materials may be picked up at the school during school hours. If anyone has special needs and help picking up class materials, please call the school and we will do our best to accomodate.
about 4 years ago, Jeff Foertsch
Today, November 17, After School Soccer and VB Practices have been canceled.
about 4 years ago, Jeff Foertsch
The latest proclamation from the Governor’s Office on November 15 directed schools to halt all indoor extracurricular activities for the next four weeks. This means we will no longer be having Volleyball and Basketball practices after school until at least December 14. Soccer may continue this week, but all participants will be required to wear masks the entire time. Questions, contact or 509-626-2972
about 4 years ago, Jeff Foertsch
Congratulations! Regina Mendoza, Tiger Ticket winner:)
about 4 years ago, Jeff Foertsch
Regina Mendoza, Tiger Ticket winner
Congratulations! Estefania Eulloqui, Tiger Ticket winner:)
about 4 years ago, Jeff Foertsch
Estefania Eulloqui, Tiger Ticket winner
Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences will be **Virtual** today and tomorrow. Please click on the following link for further information, including individual Zoom links to your teachers portals, translation services, and how to connect to your meeting via Zoom.
about 4 years ago, Prescott School District
Athletics: Tuesday, November 10, Basketball Practice has been cancelled for this date.
about 4 years ago, Jeff Foertsch
Here is a link if you are interested in purchasing Prescott Gear
about 4 years ago, Jeff Foertsch
Athletics: Today, Mon Nov9, soccer practice is cancelled due to weather. VB practice will still go on in the gym.
about 4 years ago, Jeff Foertsch
Greetings families! All parent-teacher conferences next week will be virtual and not in-person. We are moving to on-line conferences because of the the recent surge in COVID cases in Walla Walla County. We are keeping the same schedule in place, though. Monday will be for Vista Hermosa families and Tuesday will be for town families. We are still having school on Monday and Tuesday (from 12 PM to 3 PM) and conferences will still be happening from 3:30 PM to 7:30 PM. Your teachers will be sending out the links to their meetings for you to connect. You may use your own device or your child's Chromebook. Please contact your children's teachers, the school office (509.849.2217) or Mr. Bradford (509.280.7663) if you have any questions. Thank you for your patience and flexibility. GO TIGERS!!!
about 4 years ago, Justin Bradford
Get your team gear at the Prescott Fan Store My Team Shop by November 16th!
about 4 years ago, Jeff Foertsch
Congratulations! Myles Frasco, Tiger Ticket winner:)
about 4 years ago, Jeff Foertsch
Myles Frasco, Tiger Ticket Winner
Congratulations! Jose Miranda, Tiger Ticket winner:)
about 4 years ago, Jeff Foertsch
Jose Miranda, Tiger Ticket winner
ROAR, The month of October Tiger Ticket winner for the secondary is Guadalupe Cortes
about 4 years ago, Jeff Foertsch
Lupe Cortes showing her Dutch Brothers reward as the  October Tiger Ticket winner
ROAR, The month of October Tiger Ticket winner for the elementary is 4th grader Ian Campos
about 4 years ago, Jeff Foertsch
October winner Ian Campos
Congratulations! Sebastian Chavez, Tiger Ticket winner:)
about 4 years ago, Jeff Foertsch
Sebastian Chavez, Tiger Ticket winner:)
Congratulations! Iker Lucas, Tiger Ticket winner:)
about 4 years ago, Jeff Foertsch
Iker Lucas, Tiger Ticket winner