ASB Bonfire this Friday!
Get your permission slips in no later than Friday at 8:00am.
Class Competitions, Food, and Fire!
Wear all your Tiger Gear for bonus points!
See you there Tigers!!
Starting Feb 1 we are planning to offer athletics for grades 6-12, 5 days a week. The practices will be for Soccer and Volleyball. We will offer practices regardless of if we are able to play games, which at this time is still unknown. There will be a daily pick up at Vista for athletes, not at school, at 2:30pm on Monday-Friday. The bus will leave Prescott following practice for Vista at 5:30 pm. All Athletes riding the bus to school for practice should come dressed ready for practice as much as possible. We are only allowed limited locker room use right now. Please also bring a water bottle.
We are limited in the numbers of athletes at this time that can practice in our gym at one time. Because of this Middle School Volleyball will be limited to only practicing on the days that the athletes are in school. If and when the State of Washington allows for me kids in our gyms this plan will change accordingly. The other sports HS and MS Soccer as well as High school VB will be everyday.
As of right now, the current home game and home practice schedule for Soccer and Volleyball is posted on line at Arbiter LIve at:
For a hard copy or more information, athletes should contact their coach. When updates and or changes to the schedule are made it will be done using the calendar on Arbiter live and sent out on the school App. As of today the game schedules are only for High School and only if we make it to Phase 2 in the Governor's plan. We will add Middle School Games if and when we can. We do however, encourage all middle school athletes to attend practice so that they are ready for if and when games can be played.
Thanks for your patience as we get started with our school athletics. Please contact your coach or me at the school if you have questions.
Jeff Foertsch
Due to inclement weather, there will be no soccer after school today, Monday, Jan 25. Volleyball will still go on as scheduled.
Roar :) Tiger Ticket Winner: Ian Campos. Way to go Ian! Looking good in your new Tiger cap!
Roar :) Tiger Ticket Winner: Valeria Iglesias. Way to go Valeria!
7-12 Grade ASB Bonfire
Friday, January 29th From 3:30 - 6:30
Permission slips must be turned in to stay-NO EXCEPTIONS.
Masks must be on at all times
Th 1-21-21 Soccer Practice has been canceled due to weather conditions. VB will continue with their practice inside
Roar :) Tiger Ticket Winner: Mauricio Osorio. Way to go Mauricio!
Roar :) Tiger Ticket Winner: Valerie Urquhart. Way to go Valerie!
WOW! Academic Excellence. The following students on this morning's grade check had grades of A in all of their classes. Mr Foertsch salutes you. Keep up the good work! Jaime Escalante, Kim Escalante, Ericka Eulloqui, Yesenia Euloqui, Hector Garcia, Gael Ortega, Ariana Quiroz, Yadira Quiroz, David Roman, and David Suarez
Volleyball and Soccer Seasons are tentatively scheduled to begin Feb 1. More information will be sent out on or before Jan 26. Questions: Contact Mr Foertsch or 629-2972
Athletics Update: Our "Summer" Practices will continue next week. Check Arbiter live, the hall calendar, or talk with your coach for the schedule
Elective Class fun: Band and Robotics
Athletics: Here is the latest from the WIAA
We are in the process of adjusting our plans to meet the new guidelines. I will send out more informantion by tomorrow afternoon
Students: See you on Wednesday over google meets!
Back to school fun in Music class and PE.
Roar :) Tiger Ticket Winner: Raven Beckman. Way to go Raven!
Upcoming Athletic Opportunities can be found using Arbiter live:
Group A and Group B athletes in grades 6-12 have optional practices scheduled for Soccer next week. Contact your coach or Mr Foertsch, if you have questions.
Roar :) Tiger Ticket Winner: Colton Chabre. Way to go Colton!
Roar :) Tiger Ticket Winner: Colton Chabre. Way to go Colton!