Reminder Monday is Individual and sports picture day!
School Picture Day is Monday, October 16th, 2023 Order online using the QR code and order code shown at Forms are also being sent home with students or they are available at the front office. Note: for sports orders use the code SPO4014 for online orders .
6th graders getting stronger at fitness stations in PE. 💪🏼
Reminder: There is No School Friday October 13th!
First Grade Swimming at the Y!
2nd Grade Tigers create pastel leaf art during PBIS!
The Senior Class will be selling Tacos and Horchata at the senior night soccer and volleyball games on October 10, 2023. Taco sales will begin at 4 p.m. and continue through the games. Tacos will be $2.50 each and Horchata is $6.00. All proceeds go to the senior class trip.
Reminder: There is No School Friday October 13th!
First grade at their first Garden class!
Tigers growing green thumbs
Washington State Healthy Youth Survey. Our school is participating in the survey during fall 2023. The survey will be given to students in Grades 6 through 12. The Healthy Youth Survey includes questions related to physical activity and diet, unintentional and intentional injury, substance use, sexual behaviors, abuse, risk and protective factors, and access to school-based services. Survey results are used by schools, communities, and state agencies to plan programs to support our youth and reduce their risks. Participation in the survey is voluntary and the students’ answers are anonymous. There are no codes or information used to match a survey to a student. See the parent letters below.
Prescott Soccer leaving Walla Walla . Arrive in Prescott by 7:30/Vista at 8pm
We lost a close game today with Mac hi jv 2-0. Our play improved.
HS volleyball team is head back to Prescott and then Vista.
School Picture Day is Monday, October 16th, 2023
Order online using the QR code and order code shown at
Forms are also being sent home with students or they are available at the front office.
Mr. Bradford reading to the TK class during library time.
Preschool on the rock wall in PE.
Happy Birthday fun from the students and staff to Mr. Bradford!
Transitional Kindergarten doing Yoga with Ms. Hedman this week!
Namaste Tigers!
Congratulations to your HS Volleyball team. They took a victory against Touchet. The bus is now leaving Touchet
Elementary Open House!
For all families with students from Preschool to 5th grade.
Tuesday evening September 19th from 6 to 7 pm.
We invite students and families to come and see your student's school!
Refreshments will be provided.
Current Covid Guidelines. If staff or students test positive, they must quarantine for 5 days. They may return after 5 days if they have a negative test or are symptom free, and then must mask at school until 10 days after the first positive test. is the link to get more information about Covid and schools created by OSPI. For more information check our Live Feed post WA ST Department of Health flyer.