Fall Orientation:
Who: 6-12 Students and Parents, plus School Admin and 6-12 Teachers!
What: Allow students and parents to meet teachers and receive general instruction in the following areas: student schedules, student Chromebooks, student handbooks, school communication (app, Skyward, Rooms); AD Travis Zigler will be there to talk about athletics and Final Forms.
Why: Students can pick up schedules, Chromebooks and meet their teachers to get ready for the year. Parents can learn how to use our school app and Skyward for communication and to check student grades.
When Wed, August 30, 4-7:30 p.m.
Where: Prescott School
How: There will be snack food provided for attendees. There will be a bus to pick up families if needed at the Vista Store at 3:30 and 5:45. Return busses to Vista at 5:15 and 7:30.