Field Trip Check list
Permission from Leadership
Reserve transportation
Get a Sub if needed
Recruit Chaperones
Request a Vehicle from Transportation
Support Vehicle Check Out Process
1. Send an email request to
2. Provide date, time, destination and purpose for the request.
3. You will receive an confirmation of availability email.
4. Each vehicle has a binder with pouches inside the binder. The binders are located on the second shelf at my desk in the library. The pouches contain a key, fuel card and instructions on using the fuel card. The fuel cards can be used at any CFN fueling site or any Chevron gas station.
5. Please top off the fuel when it is ¾ of a tank or less.
6. Fill out the transportation log that is located inside each vehicle with the following information: driver name, departure time, return time, departure odometer reading, return reading, gallons of fuel filled and destination and purpose of the trip.
7. Return key pouch back to the binder as soon as you return from your trip, vehicles are being used daily and multiple times a day. Please remove all garbage and make sure it’s ready for the next driver.